Thursday, February 11, 2010


School was okay ah, but today felt a little akwarddddd with Farisha. Due to some reasons yeah. :). GHZ is damn pervertic. Ew. He likes KH. So, KH watch out. Haha, he keeps doing his hand into a stone and putting a finger in and out of it. You get the picture. I mean like, if any handsome guy does that in the street, I will be like ,"Eww". But if a retarded boy does it, gosh. Some more he sits with me, f stupid right?

So yeah, on Wednesday did nothing much. I think. I forgot what I did on Wednesday. So pathetic. Anyway today was cool. I think. Yeap. Had HMT and stuffs, forgot to see consultation, well not really forget lah. But no time, cos got HMT. So we schedule tomorrow, at 7am. Super early right, omgee I know. Then Sabrina was sad, because at last never got to consult, and she was supposed to meet her mother to buy pants. You ah! I ask you to go home you dont want. Dont care what others say lah dey, just chip in some ideas can alr what. Then, went home with Faraisha. She's funny. :). Hahah, then at bus ** I saw a woman wearing a T-Shirt, then I only saw UBIC BATHE. Idk what's that supposed to mean, I never got to see the full T-Shirt, because she was standing sluntedly! Then i thought it was Pubic Bathe. Then Faraisha laugh. So bad, laugh at my foolishness. She veh bad right, omgee I know. But she's cute ah she just now. Then just now when want to go back, Sabrina don't want to follow us, she was like, "SABRINA I DONT WANT TO FRIEND YOU ANYMORE. *STICKS OUT TONGUE* FAREWELL! NO BYE BYE! FAREWELL," something like that uh. Then, I was laughing too much I fell down at the foyer staircase. Then Faraisha laughed too much, she dropped her files. Then I PLOPED(sat) down the foyer, because Faraisha the file, the closing&opening dropped. So funny. Then Faraisha want to go one more round, to talk to Sabrina.

So, we went to where Nabilah and Nailah was. Then Sabrina was like, "Why did you come here again?". Then she bend down, took the missing piece from wherever, then she was like "I came here to take this!DO you see it?". She's funny. Then got one ah pek from where idk look at her and smile smile. Then we laughed like hell. Btw, tmr going KL for short holiday. I hope I can buy things. And tomorrow visiting primary school. Will be meeting Linda, Xiqing, Sheila and Shaz<3. Im so happy. I love them to the maxmaxmaxmaxmaxmaxmax. :). BYEBYE! I want to eat MARS. HAHA!

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I was wrong.

I luvluvluv this song and the music video. Don't you? Hhahha. :). Jo Kwon and Seulong looks th same. o.O.