Thursday, March 25, 2010

lazy ass.

omgee, i really want to change my blogskin but I am super duper lazy. I'll just write a short post before my parents get back, mmhm. So, today went early, did homework with Nabz. Then, had DNT. Was dreading the whole lesson, waiting for the lesson to end, and to make matters worst, the lesson was a frigging 2 hours time-wasting. I mean like DNT rocks, if you are in the workshop, not learning about how to draw circles, doraemons and stuffs. After that, had recess, bell rang, didnt care, just ate. ^^. Then had Maths, luckily, my teacher didnt ask for the maths file. He said we all did badly for our Maths Test and he scolded a 1/2 guy. The guy is in debator.
This is how the convo went.

Mr.Lim: K, so the remedial will be every Wed.
Guy: Cannot lah, have debate.
Mr.Lim: Why your debate on Wednesday ah?
Mr.Lim: GET OUT OF THE CLASS. I wont entertain such attitude. GET OUT.

Hahah, nice convo yeah. Today learned Algebra, Mr Lim is super nice today, I enjoyed Maths Lesson today, for once. :l. I think Im starting to like Maths, hahah! :). Then, had English, had to do letter-writing, and it is not surprising to me that Hua Zhi does not know how to plan. So in the end, I did everything.. Then had MT, can't even finish my frigging compo thanks to 3 GIRLS named Sabby, Farah and Nadhilah. HAHA, sabby sounds weird. ^^. Hheh. Then had break, eat. SO damn hungry lahhhh ;((. Then, forgot to see the speechy thingy. Hahah. Then, went up, cant even finish a single thing. HMT ended, forced Nadhilah take bus 10 with us. Then Nadhilah look so jakun play with Sabrina Ipod, then Sabrina look like the mum, like irritated. Me and Faraisha laugh like hell in the bus looking at them 2! :)! Then, stopped at interchange, me and Nadhilah buy ice-cream, 2, in-fact. Then my MRT came first so I went first. IN fact, mine was 10 seconds earlier. Fascinating. Hhaha, then went home, sleep like pig. Then woke up then do homework. Then Anson called me to ask me about homework. I thought Sabrina sia. So I was like "Eh, who is this?". Hahhahh, pathetic. Our convo around 5-7mins only. HAHA funneh! ROAR, I still have Lit left ~ and the pandangan thingy. Kay, I want to go now.

Bye pee-po-leh~.(copyrightedfromsab).

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I was wrong.

I luvluvluv this song and the music video. Don't you? Hhahha. :). Jo Kwon and Seulong looks th same. o.O.